“National Award on Renewable Energy Storage“
1. Preamble & Objective
In the current context of the development of renewable energies in Algeria, the storage of energy is of paramount importance in view of its random and discontinuous nature, from production to exploitation. Important recommendations announced in the Council of Ministers meeting held on February 05, 2023, concerning the development of energy storage systems which need to be taken into consideration by the scientific research sector in order to find innovative solutions with the socio-economic sector cooperation. For this purpose, the Universities as well as the Research Centers will play a primordial role in the development of this activity in Algeria through the promotion of products resulting from scientific research and technological development created by students and researchers in the field of renewable energy storage.
On this occasion, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS), through the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT) launch a call for the national prize on the storage of renewable energy in collaboration with:
- The Center for Renewable Energies Development (CDER),
- The Center for Research in Semiconductor Technology for Energy (CRTSE),
This prize concern:
1. Students who developed prototypes in the field of energy storage and have a Startup Label issued by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Startups and Microenterprises.
2. Researchers and university professors who have created their Spinoffs in the field of renewable energy storage.
2. Eligibility conditions
Projects participants eligible for the "RE-Stor" Prize must have the following Eligibility Criteria:
1. Have a Startup Label in the field of Energy Storage (Student);
2. University student, researcher or university professor;
3. Have a Spinoff (Researcher and or university professor);
4. Member of a research laboratory, a university incubator, or attached to a higher education institution; or to a national research organization;
5. A detailed business plan.
3. Validity of the offer and Application submission
The validity of the offer contained in this call is fixed to 31 July 2023
The application file can be written in Arabic, French or English and sent to the following address: ER-Stor@dgrsdt.dz in pdf format.
The application must include the following elements:
1. A tenderer's information sheet;
2. Curriculum Vitae of project members;
3. A summary of the project maximum 15 pages (Includes the Business-plan) emphasizing the excellence of the research work as well as the predicted perspectives and the references of joint publications, patents as well as partners.
4. A slide presentation of the project not exceeding 8 slides;
5. Label certificate issued by the Labeling Commission for Startups, Innovative Projects and Incubators;
6. Trade register;
7. Any documents judged useful.
8. 180 second project video.
4. Presentation of the “RE-Stor” Prizes.
The monetary value of the prize amounts to 300,000 DA / project. Prizes are awarded to each project validated by the committee of experts responsible for evaluating the applications of the candidates.
The selected projects will be awarded during the "RE-Stor" Award ceremony to be fixed later.
The presence of the project leader at the ceremony is required.
Contact for more information:
Technological Development and Innovation direction (DDTI/DGRSDT):
Tel. : 021 27 64 46
Email : k.benkerri@dgrsdt.dz
Management of the Renewable Energies Development Center
Tel.: 023 18 90 51/53
Email: s.semaoui@cder.dz
Management of the Research Center in Semiconductor Technology for Energetics
Tel.: 021 43 35 11 / 021 43 24 88
Email: Direction@crtse.dz & ouslimanetarik@crtse.dz